Property & Theft Crimes

Even in progressive Seattle nonviolent crimes can be met with an unreasonably rigid law enforcement response.  In recent years the King County Prosecutor’s Office has taken a hard line in prosecuting residential burglary charges, even against defendants with no criminal record and where there are factual defenses or clear mitigating circumstances.  Seattle criminal defense lawyer David Hammerstad has successfully defended a variety of property crime charges, from alleged fraud to burglary.


  • Not Guilty.  Robbery in the First Degree.
    State of Washington v. C.W. With the help of expert testimony on memory and identification I persuaded a jury that the robbery victim misidentified my client.
  • Dismissal.  Robbery in the First Degree and Robbery in the Second Degree.
    State of Washington v. A.R.  Through pretrial investigation and litigation of discovery motions I pressured the State into dismissing all charges against my client, who had been misidentified in part because of faulty identification procedures.
  • Dismissal.  Robbery in the First Degree.
    State of Washington v. O.A.  I persuaded the State of my client’s innocence and the case was dismissed shortly after the commencement of trial.
  • Not Guilty.  Residential Burglary (2 counts), Felony Possession of Stolen Property.
    State of Washington v. N.Y.  I persuaded the jury that my client had falsely confessed to help his mother and demonstrated that his confession was inconsistent with the known evidence.  The jury convicted of two lesser misdemeanor charges and client received a deferred sentence.
  • Dismissal.  Felony Fraud Charges.
    State of N.H. v. T.R.  I persuaded judge to dismiss case before it got to jury because of insufficient evidence that client’s mismanagement of father’s funds was criminally motivated.  
  • Not Guilty. Felony Theft.
    State of NH v. RR.  I persuaded jury that loss allegedly caused by “flim-flam” scheme was plausibly attributable to employee mismanagement of funds.

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